Eating disorder treatment in Illinois

Within offers virtual eating disorder treatment to all residents of Illinois, from Chicago to Belvidere. Regardless of location, you can access eating disorder therapists, nurses, registered dietitians, nutritionists, and more via our virtual treatment program. Whether you need help for anorexia, bulimia, or binge eating, eating disorder recovery is within reach.

Get a free consultation
"My clinical lead fought endlessly to help me remain in the program during moments that we weren't sure I would be able to continue. I will be forever grateful for this program."
Within patient
"My team was composed of the strongest women I know, they never judged or gave up on me, they pushed me to get better with love and compassion."
Within patient
"Within Health went above and beyond for my recovery. They hold hope and they believe in me, even when I do not."
Within patient
"Within Health saved my life and allowed me the opportunity to be home with my child and learn skills while being in my own environment."
Within patient
"I have the tools, support, and awareness in order to sustain the work that I have been doing and hopefully to move closer to life without an eating disorder. Within helped me realize that everything is possible, that I am capable, and I deserve to practice self-compassion."
Within patient
"My time at Within has allowed me to work towards my recovery without sacrificing the things that are important to me. I’m incredibly grateful to my care team for their support and understanding throughout the entire process."
Within patient
"It’s really great to be able to receive treatment and still live my life. I’m really glad that I didn’t have to choose between treatment or school and could do both."
Within patient
"I think that Within really does a great job overall. The opportunity to do my eating disorder treatment at home was a game changer. I would have never done residential treatment."
Within patient
"Within has given me the tools I need to stay afloat outside of treatment. From day one, my team has supported me in so many ways. From somatic exercises to art therapy and even movement groups. I am lucky to have gotten the support I needed to be where I am today."
Within patient
"My Care Partner was the glue holding everything together. She connected the dots between my other caregivers. It was nice to review my assignments with her or process something that happened during the week."
Within patient
"My nurse was like my rock throughout my treatment. She was so encouraging and always on top of my medical care. As the struggles of treatment came and went, I knew she would always be there to check on me during the week."
Within patient
"The meal delivery was a life saver at the beginning of treatment. It makes the transition into treatment that much easier."
Within patient
"The Within program has helped me tremendously. I am in a much better place now than I was 6 months ago. I am now able to eat with more frequency and eat a less-restricted diet."
Within patient
"The alumni group has been so helpful in my recovery. It’s a chance for me to share my challenges and successes and receive support in a safe space from week to week. I always know at least one person and I enjoy connecting with new peers to make my community grow."
Within patient
"The alumni group has been part of my weekly recovery since I stepped down. It has been such a helpful bridge in my transition from IOP to outpatient. The clients and leaders have given me the space to be truly vulnerable and honest. It is so special to continue to connect with the people I have met at Within Health. I truly value this 45 minutes each week."
Within patient
"My dietitian was always there for me. When I started the program, I was anxious and uncomfortable, but my dietitian made sure my comfort was always the first priority. I probably would have quit programming at the start if not for him."
Within patient
"In addition to the individualized attention I received on a daily basis, Within Health also integrated perfectly into my real life. I was able to schedule programming, receive support around working a full-time job, and re-integrate myself into society. No other program has done that for me, and I think that is what makes Within truly unique."
Within patient
"The individualized attention and treatment plan make Within Health stand out from every other place I've been. From three individual therapy sessions a week to weekly dietitian sessions, nursing sessions, and care partner sessions, I was able to make some headway into my own personal issues with my eating disorder and really work on my personal recovery."
Within patient
"After seven medical stabilization hospitalizations and six failed treatment programs, I came to Within Health. Within Health was the best treatment program I have ever done and is what led me to break the treatment cycle and into a lasting recovery."
Within patient
"I love that we have the opportunity to remain in touch with people that have supported each other through a very difficult time in their lives and continue to offer and receive ongoing support."
Within patient
"We have built friendships, so it's amazing that we can continue those friendships with people we have trusted with our deepest issues."
Within patient
"I think alumni group is extremely important because many people unfortunately have to discontinue therapy too soon due to the expense, therefore if they have unresolved issues to discuss, this is the place they can get that ongoing support!"
Within patient
"Alumni group is a no judgment space where anyone who has recovered at whatever level that means for them, can keep working on self improvement as well as continue to offer reciprocal support to people they have grown deep connections with. That's KEY!"
Within patient
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Testimonials received from real patients. Photos are not of actual patients.

Our eating disorder program in Illinois

Virtual intensive outpatient and partial hospitalization programs
A dedicated care team from start to finish
Easy access to your support groups, therapy sessions, and more via a one-of-a-kind app
Meal delivery and meal planning
Ongoing support upon completion of the treatment program

Paying for eating disorder treatment

Your Within treatment team will work directly with your health insurance company to make paying for your treatment program easier.

The Within program

In Illinois, more than 1.1 million people will suffer from an eating disorder at one point in their lives. At Within, we are dedicated to ensuring everyone, regardless of location, has access to the eating disorder treatment they need.

We’re in this together. As part of your Within program, you’ll be supported throughout your recovery journey by a team of expert, caring clinicians. Join therapy sessions and support groups from wherever you are, and connect with your care team easily via the Within app.

Help us understand your needs so we can support you

Call us today to learn more about our personalized treatment programs. A healthier life free from eating disorders is in reach.

(866) 293-0041
The Joint Commission Seal

Within Health is accredited by
The Joint Commission