For insurers
and payers

Millions of Americans suffer from an eating disorder at some point in their life, with the disease leading to more than 10,000 deaths every year. What’s even more concerning is that many people never seek treatment for their eating disorder due to the high cost and lack of access to treatment programs—only 15-30% of Americans have access to traditional in-person eating disorder treatment.

At Within Health, we aim to help all of those suffering from eating disorders, regardless of location or financial status.

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Why you should work with us

We’re doing things differently

We are different to traditional eating disorder treatment programs and unique to other remote programs. We don’t only offer a team of clinical experts for each patient, including registered dietitians, nurses, therapists, and nutritionists, but go above and beyond to set our clients up for success. We do this by providing a robust service that:

  • Provides easy access to the care team and flexible scheduling
  • Delivers healthy meals to all patients
  • Supports and educates family members
  • Provides ongoing support even after the program is completed
  • Offers a holistic approach to treatment

Our patients benefit from a holistic approach

Our patients spend at least 3-6 hours per day in their program, whether it’s in an online eating disorder therapy group, meeting with their nutritionist, or talking with their therapist. These essential contact hours ensure they are getting the attention and support they need for a successful recovery.

By including Within Health in your network, you will be making a huge difference to those in need of help, enhancing their access to crucial resources and improving their quality of life. In addition, you’ll find that our program is more cost effective than other treatment programs.

We are eager to join your network and allow all Americans access to our remote eating disorder program when they need it the most.

Hear what our patients
have to say

"I love that we have the opportunity to remain in touch with people that have supported each other through a very difficult time in their lives and continue to offer and receive ongoing support."
Monica H.
Nursing assistant
"The alumni group has been so helpful in my recovery. It’s a chance for me to share my challenges and successes and receive support in a safe space from week to week. I always know at least one person and I enjoy connecting with new peers to make my community grow."
Within Health alumni
"The Within program has helped me tremendously. I am in a much better place now than I was 6 months ago. I am now able to eat with more frequency and eat a less-restricted diet."
"I think that Within really does a great job overall. The opportunity to do my eating disorder treatment at home was a game changer. I would have never done residential treatment."
Jennifer T.
Within Health alumni
"My time at Within has allowed me to work towards my recovery without sacrificing the things that are important to me. I’m incredibly grateful to my care team for their support and understanding throughout the entire process."
Amara S.
Teaching assistant
"I have the tools, support, and awareness in order to sustain the work that I have been doing and hopefully to move closer to life without an eating disorder. Within helped me realize that everything is possible, that I am capable, and I deserve to practice self-compassion."
Michael R.
School counselor
"Within Health saved my life and allowed me the opportunity to be home with my child and learn skills while being in my own environment."
Aisha J.
Financial analyst
"Within Health went above and beyond for my recovery. They hold hope and they believe in me, even when I do not."
Nora A.
HR manager
"In addition to the individualized attention I received on a daily basis, Within Health also integrated perfectly into my real life. I was able to schedule programming, receive support around working a full-time job, and re-integrate myself into society. No other program has done that for me, and I think that is what makes Within truly unique."
Isla K.
Veterinary nurse
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Help us understand your needs so we can support you

Call us today to learn more about our personalized treatment programs. A healthier life free from eating disorders is in reach.

(866) 293-0041

Learn more about the results we get at Within

Our results >
The Joint Commission Seal

Within Health has been accredited
by The Joint Commission