Comprehensive care for eating disorders—
at home

Meet with your care team virtually & confidentially
Tailored meal planning and delivery
Flexible scheduling & insurance options
Get started here

Hear what our patients have to say

"I love that we have the opportunity to remain in touch with people that have supported each other through a very difficult time in their lives and continue to offer and receive ongoing support."
Within patient
"The alumni group has been so helpful in my recovery. It’s a chance for me to share my challenges and successes and receive support in a safe space from week to week. I always know at least one person and I enjoy connecting with new peers to make my community grow."
Within patient
"The Within program has helped me tremendously. I am in a much better place now than I was 6 months ago. I am now able to eat with more frequency and eat a less-restricted diet."
Within patient
"I think that Within really does a great job overall. The opportunity to do my eating disorder treatment at home was a game changer. I would have never done residential treatment."
Within patient
"My time at Within has allowed me to work towards my recovery without sacrificing the things that are important to me. I’m incredibly grateful to my care team for their support and understanding throughout the entire process."
Within patient
"I have the tools, support, and awareness in order to sustain the work that I have been doing and hopefully to move closer to life without an eating disorder. Within helped me realize that everything is possible, that I am capable, and I deserve to practice self-compassion."
Within patient
"Within Health saved my life and allowed me the opportunity to be home with my child and learn skills while being in my own environment."
Within patient
"Within Health went above and beyond for my recovery. They hold hope and they believe in me, even when I do not."
Within patient
"In addition to the individualized attention I received on a daily basis, Within Health also integrated perfectly into my real life. I was able to schedule programming, receive support around working a full-time job, and re-integrate myself into society. No other program has done that for me, and I think that is what makes Within truly unique."
Within patient
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Testimonials received from real patients. Photos are not of actual patients.

Why effective eating disorder treatment is essential.

1 in 10 people
suffer from an eating disorder
Eating disorders are the 2nd leading cause of death of all mental illnesses
Over 70% of those who suffer from an eating disorder will not seek treatment

Recovery is possible and we're here every step of the way.

After participating in treatment, on average, our patients experience:

decrease in eating disorder symptoms.
decrease in depressive symptoms.
improvement in quality of life.
decrease in trait anxiety.
See more results

What makes Within unique?

Customized technology built specifically to treat eating disorders virtually
Individual and online support group therapies to facilitate faster healing
Flexible, personalized scheduling
Comprehensive, multidisciplinary team for every patient

A world-class clinical team in your living room

At Within, you'll develop strong bonds with our expert clinicians. We'll sit and eat with you. We'll be there virtually to help you stock your pantry or navigate your refrigerator. We'll be there to help you heal.

We do this because we've been there.
We do this because we have the experience.
We do this because we care.  

Learn more about our treatment

Hear what our patients have to say

"My nurse was like my rock throughout my treatment. She was so encouraging and always on top of my medical care. As the struggles of treatment came and went, I knew she would always be there to check on me during the week."
Within patient
"My Care Partner was the glue holding everything together. She connected the dots between my other caregivers. It was nice to review my assignments with her or process something that happened during the week."
Within patient
"Within has given me the tools I need to stay afloat outside of treatment. From day one, my team has supported me in so many ways. From somatic exercises to art therapy and even movement groups. I am lucky to have gotten the support I needed to be where I am today."
Within patient
"My time at Within has allowed me to work towards my recovery without sacrificing the things that are important to me. I’m incredibly grateful to my care team for their support and understanding throughout the entire process."
Within patient
"Within Health went above and beyond for my recovery. They hold hope and they believe in me, even when I do not."
Within patient
"My team was composed of the strongest women I know, they never judged or gave up on me, they pushed me to get better with love and compassion."
Within patient
"My clinical lead fought endlessly to help me remain in the program during moments that we weren't sure I would be able to continue. I will be forever grateful for this program."
Within patient
"The individualized attention and treatment plan make Within Health stand out from every other place I've been. From three individual therapy sessions a week to weekly dietitian sessions, nursing sessions, and care partner sessions, I was able to make some headway into my own personal issues with my eating disorder and really work on my personal recovery."
Within patient
"My dietitian was always there for me. When I started the program, I was anxious and uncomfortable, but my dietitian made sure my comfort was always the first priority. I probably would have quit programming at the start if not for him."
Within patient
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Testimonials received from real patients. Photos are not of actual patients.

One convenient, private, and specialized app for your recovery

Using our decades of experience, we've modernized treatment protocols and developed a highly-personalized app so you can find everything in one place.

  • Chat with your care team online
  • Attend group and individual sessions
  • Make scheduling requests
  • Complete individual check-ins
  • Access self-guided content
  • Receive after hours support
  • Attend group meals
Learn more about our treatment

Operating across the U.S.

We are working constantly to expand our Within virtual eating disorder treatment program and onboard care team members in all 50 states. For more information or to get started, call us at (866) 293-0041.

We'll help you navigate insurance

Talk to our team about your out-of-network benefits options. When available, Single Case Agreements with insurance providers may help you or your family member receive care at Within Health. Verify your benefits to learn more.

Flexible financing available with CareCredit

Meet your care team

Wendy Oliver-Pyatt

Co-Founder, CEO, Chief Clinical Officer
Team Member LinkedIn
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Wendy Oliver-Pyatt

Co-Founder, CEO, Chief Clinical Officer
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Wendy Oliver-Pyatt

Co-Founder, CEO, Chief Clinical Officer
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Wendy Oliver-Pyatt

Co-Founder, CEO, Chief Clinical Officer
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Wendy Oliver-Pyatt

Wendy Oliver-Pyatt

Co-Founder, CEO, Chief Medical Officer
Team Member LinkedIn
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Chrissy Stockert

Chrissy Stockert

Chief Health Officer
Team Member LinkedIn
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Shaun Riebl

Shaun Riebl

Chief Nutrition Officer
Team Member LinkedIn
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Tiana Gilbert

Tiana Gilbert

Continuity Manager
Team Member LinkedIn
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Jackie Bello

Jackie Bello

Clinical Project Manager
Team Member LinkedIn
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Ronnie Lee

Ronnie Lee

Primary Therapist
Team Member LinkedIn
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Dr. Sam Moss

Dr. Sam Moss

Director of Psychiatry
Team Member LinkedIn
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Jessica Genet

Jessica Genet

Director of Clinical Development & Training
Team Member LinkedIn
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Wendy Shoaf

Wendy Shoaf

Director of Intake
Team Member LinkedIn
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Jamie Singleteary

Jamie Singleteary

Director of Clinical Brand Development and Alumni Programming
Team Member LinkedIn
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How does remote treatment work?

Virtual eating disorder treatment is a novel approach to treatment that offers clients the convenience of staying at home, while providing treatment that is just as, if not more, effective for many people. Through this method, you can connect with your full treatment team (doctors, therapists, registered dietitians, nurses, etc.) online, from wherever you are.

Many types of meetings that traditionally happen in person can be easily conducted in a virtual environment. This includes intake assessments, follow-up appointments, and medical consultations—all done from the comfort of your own home.

Online eating disorder treatment has many advantages. Clients with any kind of limitation to receiving in-person care, whether mobility or transportation challenges, or those in areas with limited in-person treatment options, only need a smart device and an internet connection to receive quality care. Additionally, any client receiving virtual treatment will be able to receive care directly in their potentially triggering environment, so they can learn to manage those triggers more effectively.

Whether you need help for bulimia, anorexia, binge eating disorder, ARFID, or another eating disorder, online eating disorder treatment is available.

How do online eating disorder support groups work?

Online eating disorder support groups offer additional support when receiving quality care from home. These communities can include people from all walks of life, those who are currently in recovery from an eating disorder, patients who are still in active treatment, and support groups for the loved ones of those suffering from an eating disorder.

Support groups can also be tailored to specific populations that share similar experiences, such as teenagers, LGBTQIA+ patients, men, mature women, BIPOC patients, or people with a specific eating disorder diagnosis, such as avoidant restrictive food intake disorder (ARFID), binge eating disorder, bulimia, or anorexia. Thanks to the virtual reach of the internet, online groups can bring together patients from across the globe. And you can meet—and learn from—them all without ever having to leave your own home.

To participate in an online eating disorder support group, you’ll need a device that can connect to the internet. The device should also have a working microphone, which will help you participate. Some groups may run through apps or other online tools that you’ll need to download.

Within Health offers online therapy group sessions which are led by a member or our care team.

Is online eating disorder therapy covered by insurance?

Online eating disorder therapy may be covered by your insurance.

Many insurance providers will cover online treatment, provided you supply the required paperwork or other materials they need to see. And most insurance policies include at least some form of eating disorder or mental health coverage, including virtual or in-person therapy. 

The specific treatment types and length of treatment covered by your plan will vary. At Within, we work with your insurance company directly, throughout your treatment, to help ensure you have access to all the care you need.

Is eating disorder help online effective?

Virtual programming (i.e., online help) may be one of the newer forms of treatment for an eating disorder, but it’s already showing a lot of promise.

Studies have shown that online therapy can be just as—or even more—effective than in-person care for certain conditions. Additionally, patients have generally reported similar or higher quality of care when it comes to virtual treatment.

This form of effective treatment works. After completing Within’s remote program

Part of the reason it may be so popular and helpful is the number of benefits online therapy has to offer:

  • It’s generally much more accessible for patients
  • It can help them manage at-home triggers while they’re living in that environment
  • Family therapy through virtual care can include family members who otherwise may not be able to be physically present

Many people generally feel more at-ease with online eating disorder treatment, as it alleviates the pressures of commuting to treatment, can be more flexibly scheduled, and allows a patient to participate from a space they feel safe and comfortable in.

How is Within’s virtual IOP eating disorder program different?

Intensive outpatient treatment (IOP) is a pivotal middle-ground of eating disorder recovery, where a patient slowly takes on more independence and responsibility while continuing to work deeply on other key aspects of their recovery.

At Within, our intensive outpatient program includes much more flexible contact hours with a client’s care team than most in-person programs during this crucial transition. Our program is a minimum of 3 hours a day 3 days a week, but can increase to significantly more than that. Unlike in-person programs, though, the hours do not have to be consecutive. We are able to tailor the hours around an individual’s busy life.

In addition to individual sessions, groups, and supported meals, our IOP program offers additional support via our virtual “living room” where a care partner is available up to 10 hours a day. We also offer our IOP clients access to our support button 24 hours a day—with live support offered until 10pm daily. Simply click the support button located in the app when a trigger surfaces and get the support you need.

Clients also have high frequency individual sessions with to many different members of the care team. In addition to a therapist and dietitian, our clients also have an assigned food specialist, nurse, care partner, and psychiatric provider (if needed). All of the care and support is easily accessed from one easy-to-use app, allowing for greater flexibility and peace of mind when charting a path to recovery. Plus, at Within, we take care to make everyone’s care is as personalized as possible. We’re a team of diverse, inclusive, multilingual experts who strongly believe in equality and offering supportive, affirming care for all people who need it.

Help us understand your needs so we can support you

If you’re unsure if you need help, or don't know what kind of support you might need, complete our self-assessment. We’ll let you know the next steps, and be honest about whether you should take action.

(866) 293-0041
The Joint Commission Seal

Within Health is accredited by
The Joint Commission