The Within
treatment program

We’re here to work with you every step of the way. Whether you're 13 or over 70 years old, we offer an intensive outpatient program (IOP) or partial hospitalization program (PHP) tailored to your needs. We are with you from your initial assessment through to the completion of the program, and everything in between. We'll help you get the most out of your insurance, provide you with an individualized clinical program supported by our care team, and do what we can to make your life easier, healthier, and better.

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There are three main steps of your Within treatment program:

Step 1

Getting started: We'll get to know you, create your personalized treatment program, and get you ready to begin your recovery journey.

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Step 2

Weekly treatment: Your weekly schedule will include different types of therapy, meal delivery, and after hours support.

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Step 3

Alumni and recovery program: Even after you've completed your program, Within will continue to offer support, resources, and lifelong connections.

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Step 1. Getting started

Getting to know you

Your journey at Within starts with a phone call where we’ll learn more about your individual situation and needs. We’ll ask you various questions about your history and your eating disorder so we can set you up for success.

Clinical assessment

Before being admitted to a Within program (either an IOP or PHP), you’ll need to complete an intake assessment. An essential first step, this allows us to understand your unique situation from the beginning, allowing us to put you and your health first.

Maximizing your insurance and financial planning

Our staff will coordinate with your health insurance company and provide you with other options for financing.

Medical clearance

Submitting your medical clearance is a necessary step before being admitted to the Within program. This is completed by your medical provider.

Family education
program begins

Your loved ones play an important role in your recovery. Before you join the Within program, we’ll help your family to know what to expect and how they can best support you.

Planning your admission date

During your assessment, we’ll work with you to confirm your admission date—the day you’ll officially start your recovery journey with your Within clinical team.

Personalized clinical programming

Your Within journey will be completely personalized to suit your individual needs. Treatment is essential to eating disorder recovery and we will work with you to create a remote program specific to your eating disorder and personal requirements.

Receive your clinical welcome kit

Upon admission, you’ll receive everything you need to get started, including a numberless digital scale, thermometer, blood pressure cuff, and other items to support your recovery.

Onboarding to the
Within program

Once you’ve gotten your admission date, you’ll meet with our onboarding team to learn how to navigate the Within app and complete your program setup.

"The meal delivery was a life saver at the beginning of treatment. It makes the transition into treatment that much easier."
Within patient
"I think that Within really does a great job overall. The opportunity to do my eating disorder treatment at home was a game changer. I would have never done residential treatment."
Within patient
"I have the tools, support, and awareness in order to sustain the work that I have been doing and hopefully to move closer to life without an eating disorder. Within helped me realize that everything is possible, that I am capable, and I deserve to practice self-compassion."
Within patient
"We have built friendships, so it's amazing that we can continue those friendships with people we have trusted with our deepest issues."
Within patient
"After seven medical stabilization hospitalizations and six failed treatment programs, I came to Within Health. Within Health was the best treatment program I have ever done and is what led me to break the treatment cycle and into a lasting recovery."
Within patient
"In addition to the individualized attention I received on a daily basis, Within Health also integrated perfectly into my real life. I was able to schedule programming, receive support around working a full-time job, and re-integrate myself into society. No other program has done that for me, and I think that is what makes Within truly unique."
Within patient
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Testimonials received from real patients. Photos are not of actual patients.

Step 2. Weekly treatment

Weekly personalized schedule

Our Care Team will work with you to craft a plan for your unique situation and needs. Our milieu approach builds a community of support around you and adapts, as together, we determine what’s working best for you.

Individual treatment

You’ll work one-on-one with a psychotherapist, care partner, and other dedicated professionals throughout the week who get to know you and help guide your recovery program.

Family therapy

A healthy support system often starts at home. We’ll work with you and your loved ones to create the proper environment and a supportive mindset to promote your healing.

Group therapy

Working with others can be incredibly therapeutic, so we always plan a variety of remote eating disorder treatment group sessions throughout the week for the benefit of all.

Experiential therapy

Our group experiences utilize a variety of creative activities to help form or rebuild healthy emotional foundations.

Personalized meal kits delivered daily

We take the guesswork and stress out of meal planning and prep by doing it for you, delivering delicious meals to your door.

Experiential outings

From food and clothes shopping to going to a bookstore, we plan events and outings that are fun, informative, and offer a new perspective on the world and the way it impacts you.

After hours support

Having a particularly tough day? We’re available to connect with you and help you through your eating disorder challenges throughout the day and after hours.

Intuitive eating practices

We’ll help you take the self-doubt and guilt out of eating, make peace with food, and become highly attuned to what your individual body needs.

Body neutrality

Challenge negative body thoughts by understanding how neutrality and appreciation can start to change how you see yourself. Understand how conditioning has shaped your body image and how to become empowered and your own kind of beautiful.

Radical self-love and acceptance

Work to develop a deep appreciation and acceptance of who you are and all of the unique and special qualities you bring to the world.

Social and emotional therapy

Social therapy connects you with a circle of people who support and understand what you are going through.

Emotional therapy helps you fill your internal toolbox with skillful emotional coping techniques. You'll learn to manage difficult situations and emotions in ways that reflect your most important values.

Specialized online eating disorder software platform

Our one-of-a-kind, custom-designed app serves as the hub of your in-home treatment program. Designed over two years, our remote eating disorder program continues to evolve, improve, and serve you.

Remote patient monitoring

Through a variety of tools that you'll receive from Within, like the numberless scales and blood pressure cuffs, we’ll monitor your vitals and progress so you can focus on getting better, not the numbers.

"The alumni group has been so helpful in my recovery. It’s a chance for me to share my challenges and successes and receive support in a safe space from week to week. I always know at least one person and I enjoy connecting with new peers to make my community grow."
Within Health alumni
"We have built friendships, so it's amazing that we can continue those friendships with people we have trusted with our deepest issues."
Within patient
Content creator
"I think alumni group is extremely important because many people unfortunately have to discontinue therapy too soon due to the expense, therefore if they have unresolved issues to discuss, this is the place they can get that ongoing support!"
Within patient
"Alumni group is a no judgment space where anyone who has recovered at whatever level that means for them, can keep working on self improvement as well as continue to offer reciprocal support to people they have grown deep connections with. That's KEY!"
Within patient
"The alumni group has been part of my weekly recovery since I stepped down. It has been such a helpful bridge in my transition from IOP to outpatient. The clients and leaders have given me the space to be truly vulnerable and honest. It is so special to continue to connect with the people I have met at Within Health. I truly value this 45 minutes each week."
Within patient
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Testimonials received from real patients. Photos are not of actual patients.

Step 3. Alumni & recovery program

Alumni program

After completing your Within treatment program, your journey isn’t over. We’ll stay in contact with you and offer support for as long as you wish to help you on this lifelong journey.

Lifelong connections

Having a healthy support system is crucial in recovering from an eating disorder. You’ll have the opportunity to connect with those who will make a positive impact to your journey.

Lasting, healthy habits

Your Within program will help you develop freedom with food that will allow you to keep your eating disorder behind you. Benefit from comprehensive meal planning and activities to help you enhance your life skills.

Additional alumni support

After successfully completing your Within program, you’ll also have the opportunity to add on additional sessions and participate in group offerings for as long as necessary.

"The meal delivery was a life saver at the beginning of treatment. It makes the transition into treatment that much easier."
Within patient
Within Health alumni
"I think that Within really does a great job overall. The opportunity to do my eating disorder treatment at home was a game changer. I would have never done residential treatment."
Within patient
Within Health alumni
"I have the tools, support, and awareness in order to sustain the work that I have been doing and hopefully to move closer to life without an eating disorder. Within helped me realize that everything is possible, that I am capable, and I deserve to practice self-compassion."
Within patient
School counselor
"We have built friendships, so it's amazing that we can continue those friendships with people we have trusted with our deepest issues."
Within patient
Content creator
"After seven medical stabilization hospitalizations and six failed treatment programs, I came to Within Health. Within Health was the best treatment program I have ever done and is what led me to break the treatment cycle and into a lasting recovery."
Within patient
Within Health alumni
"In addition to the individualized attention I received on a daily basis, Within Health also integrated perfectly into my real life. I was able to schedule programming, receive support around working a full-time job, and re-integrate myself into society. No other program has done that for me, and I think that is what makes Within truly unique."
Within patient
Veterinary nurse
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Testimonials received from real patients. Photos are not of actual patients.

Help us understand your needs so we can support you

Call us today to learn more about our personalized treatment programs. A healthier life free from eating disorders is in reach.

(866) 293-0041

Learn more about the results we get at Within

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The Joint Commission Seal

Within Health is accredited by
The Joint Commission