Remote treatment for bulimia
Bulimia nervosa is one of the most common eating disorders that we treat at Within. Through our personalized treatment programs, we ensure that each of our patients gets the care and support they need to recover.
Treatment tailored to you
Your program at Within is tailored to your specific medical needs, lifestyle, and schedule. During your intake assessment, we’ll learn more about your history with bulimia and any co-occurring conditions and create a schedule that works for you.
Finding freedom from bulimia
Our bulimia nervosa programs are partial hospitalization and intensive outpatient and are fully remote, which means you can access your sessions and support materials from wherever you are—at home, at school, or work.
You’ll attend therapy sessions, supported meals, and other groups virtually and have a care team on hand to help you stay on track and reach your goals.
Hear what our patients have to say
Dedicated care team
We’ll assign you a team of caring professionals specializing in bulimia nervosa, including a:
- Psychiatrist
- Mental health therapist
- Registered dietitian
- Registered nurse (to closely monitor your medical stability)
Holistic care for co-occurring disorders
Before starting your Within program, our team will complete a thorough assessment to determine whether any co-occurring disorders are present, such as obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD), depression, or post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). Treatment for any comorbidities present will be integrated into your treatment plan.
Help us understand your needs so we can support you
Call us today to learn more about our personalized treatment programs. A healthier life free from eating disorders is in reach.