Gillian Hood

Gillian Hood

Food Specialist, Movement Specialist

Gillian has over 20 years of experience supporting clients in making peace with food as well as cultivating a compassionate relationship with themselves and their bodies. She began her career as certified personal trainer but quickly recognized the harmful effects of the messages and practices inherent in the fitness and weight loss fields. Searching for a way to support clients without causing harm, she adopted a client-centered coaching approach that includes Intuitive Eating, mindfulness practice, Positive Psychology, self-compassion, and the Health at Every Size® framework.

A passionate and dedicated life-long learner, Gillian holds a Master's degree in Exercise Physiology and has obtained the designation of Professional Certified Coach from the International Coach Federation (ICF-PCC) and National Board-Certified Health and Wellness Coach (NBC-HWC). She is a Certified Intuitive Eating Counselor and Certified Body Trust® Specialist as well as a certified iMove practitioner. Her credentials and experience prepared her to join Within Health in early 2023 as a Food Specialist and Movement Specialist.

Gillian is honored to help support the amazing clients that trust Within for their recovery, as well as collaborating and working with fellow providers who are just as passionate about their work and believe in a personalized, client-centered, trust-based approach to eating disorder recovery. She has experienced and witnessed many times over the fact that a full recovery is possible.

The Joint Commission Seal

Within Health is accredited by
The Joint Commission