Cynthia Hinson

Cynthia Hinson

Primary Therapist

Cynthia is a mental health counselor who has worked in the mental health and substance use field as a therapist and supervisor over the past 12 years. Cynthia began her career working for a residential and partial hospitalization eating disorder program and over the past three years has worked with clients in eating disorder treatment at the outpatient level.

Cynthia utilizes a person-centered, trauma-informed, and holistic approach in her work with clients emphasizing strengths recognition, self-compassion and individualized skill building. Cynthia is considerate of the innate ways in which our body and brains have learned to respond to life experiences and works to assist clients in recognizing and replacing maladaptive coping skills.

Cynthia currently lives in Maryland with her husband, daughter and two rescue pups.

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