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Exercise addiction

Learn more about exercise addiction, a chronic mental health disorder characterized by an unhealthy obsession with exercise and physical fitness.

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The signs and effects of exercise bulimia on the body

Recognize exercise bulimia signs and symptoms

Exercise bulimia is perhaps a lesser-known eating disorder than anorexia...
Exercise addiction

What is exercise addiction?

There’s no doubt that our bodies require regular movement to function at their healthiest level. But it is...

What is exercise bulimia?

Bulimia nervosa (BN) is an eating disorder that affects about three percent of women...
Exercise bulimia treatment

The essentials of exercise bulimia recovery

Exercise bulimia is not as frequently talked about or as well understood as other eating disorders. But...
Person standing on top of mountain

What are the symptoms of exercise addiction?

Exercise addiction has yet to be formally recognized as a mental condition in the Diagnostic and...
Exercise addiction

Exercise addiction treatment & recovery

Exercise addiction can be a difficult disorder to detect. There's a fine line between exercise enthusiasm...

Exercising too much: signs and symptoms of overexercise

Over-exercising symptoms can occur when you’re exercising too much and/or not giving...

What causes exercise addiction?

Exercise in moderation can be a key component in maintaining mental and physical well...
Anorexia athletica

What is anorexia athletica?

Many people have heard of eating disorders like bulimia nervosa (BN) or anorexia nervosa (AN), but these...
Compulsion and eating disorders

Compulsion and eating disorders

Do you sometimes feel the urge to eat large quantities of food or exercise excessively, to cope with...
Exercise bulimia vs. anorexia athletica

Exercise bulimia vs. anorexia athletica

Many people know at least a little bit about eating disorders like anorexia nervosa (AN) and bulimia...
Can you be addicted to exercise?

Can you be addicted to exercise?

Exercise is an important part of health and wellness for both the body and mind. For years, it’s been...
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