Diet Culture
Learn more about diet culture and how it promotes an unhealthy relationship with food and exercise, and can lead to disordered eating.
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Is intermittent fasting disordered eating?
Intermittent fasting (IF) is a relatively popular diet regimen involving specific periods without eating.
How diet culture can lead to eating disorders
Diet culture is all around, from advertisements and food labels to social media and influencers. It is so...

What is diet culture?
You’ve probably heard of the term “diet culture” if you’ve spent any time immersed in...
Disproving the obesity paradox: Why it’s not a paradox at all
The “obesity paradox” is not only a fatphobic and stigmatizing term, but it’s also misleading since...
Creating a body-positive and anti-diet culture at home
Let’s face it—diet culture is everywhere, from food labels and advertisements to TV and social media...
How to talk to your kids about diet culture when they’re given “healthy eating” homework
School is one of the primary places where children can learn about healthy eating, as well as where they...