Body image
Learn more about body image, what it is, how it affects our self-esteem and how we see ourselves, and what it means to have a healthy body image.
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Binge eating disorder and the trauma of weight stigma
Someone who is struggling with binge eating disorder experiences recurring...
What is body neutrality and why is it important in eating disorder recovery?
Many people have heard of the body positivity movement, a campaign encouraging people—though primarily...
Healthism: When a focus on healthy living becomes problematic
Healthism refers to a set of attitudes and beliefs that health is the most important pursuit in life and...
Fatphobia is alive and rampant in the gay male community
Fatphobia and weight stigma are unfortunately rampant in among gay men, in...
How gender dysphoria affects body image
Gender dysphoria describes the sensation of feeling uneasy or uncomfortable with the difference between...
Improving your body image in bulimia recovery
Improving body image is one of many individuals’ most challenging parts of bulimia...
The devastating effects of Instagram and body image
A recent study has revealed that social media apps, such as Instagram and...
The racist history of fatphobia and weight stigma
Fatphobia and weight stigma are insidious forces in our society. They are responsible for many harmful...

Harmful outcomes of the pro-ana movement
Imagine that there were websites that encouraged people not to get treatment for...

Can the effects of negative body image lead to an eating disorder?
Body image influences a number of things about the way we feel and act, for better...

How to deal with and overcome body insecurity
Your body image is how you see your own body, and how you feel about what you perceive...

Unrealistic beauty standards and body dysmorphic disorder treatment
While eating disorders like anorexia nervosa (AN), bulimia nervosa (BN), and binge eating disorder (BED)...

“Perfecting” perfection - uncovering problematic celebrity photoshopping
Perfection does not exist; therefore, it is an unattainable standard. Why are we so focused on labeling...
How body positivity can exclude trans people
Although some people find hope, acceptance, and empowerment within the body positive movement...
Disproving the obesity paradox: Why it’s not a paradox at all
The “obesity paradox” is not only a fatphobic and stigmatizing term, but it’s also misleading since...

10 body image affirmations
Eating disorders are often recognized by their physical symptoms, but some of the most harmful aspects of...

What is the difference between body positivity and body neutrality
Demonizing or singling people out for their body weight, shape, or size is not only cruel but can...
The real problem with “obesity”
Over the last few decades, several headlines have claimed that “obesity” has increased nearly threefold in...